Blog Description

This is really a place for me to express my kinky side to all of those that would like to partake in it. Hopefully, it gives anyone in similar situations inspiration and drive to make things happen.

I know what it was like to feel different and not to have people nearby to talk to about some of it, but eventually you encounter those that help you out and educate you on the world you want to explore. So play safe!

Friday, April 19, 2019

It's been a while

For the most part I stopped updating this because other platforms seemed to be better for posting and sharing things, for instance, Tumblr, where I could occasionally make my own post, or using their multiple blogs feature could just reblog porn after porn after porn. When that went away, I was looking for something new and I have yet to really settle. For now I just browse images via Bing search, as it seems to return less restricted and pintrest based results, or various other forum type sites for what I'm interested in. This is also a lot less of a problem now that I have found a great long term partner that I can share my life with. We both seem to be using Twitter at the moment to post things, with her posting more than me for a lack of interest  to process and provide that sort of content.

Just thought I'd give an update, for anyone that happens upon this. Also as a reminder, I for the most part have adjusted screen names and identities to settle on Shinymarc, so feel free to try to look me up if you want to.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Google Notice - theoretical future shutdown

Apparently Google is going to be working to 'censor' the not safe for work and adult content, which basically means that this blog...

It might be a good thing that I sort of stopped using this medium, so I will continue to use my tumblr for when I decide to blog things and hopefully leave this to just chill out and become archived. If for some reason content gets removed I will be pretty upset, but as it is adult in nature, I can see why something like Google would worry about it.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Blogger goodbye (for now)

I'm taking an extended hiatus from this blog format, I will probably post some stuff in my tumblr blog, but I have been too life focused to be getting goodies for my fetish life...

Meanwhile my archived porn reblog tumblr is still autoposting a lot that I have backlogged if you just need decent J/O material.

I will be around, but no promised monthly updates from here on out.

Happy New Year and stay happy and healthy!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Story called "Unforeseen Ending" from Eckie aka Bondagefan

I wanted to be able to find this so I am sharing it for a longer time:

Unforeseen Ending

So here I was sitting on a Friday evening, finally work was over and my holiday has started - just two weeks, but at least the first holidays for a long time - I seem to work too much - maybe I should get another job with less responsibilities, but then again ... the money is good, and I can for sure use it. The past hasn't been so good with me and as long as I have the bank on my neck, I will simply have to go on working so hard. Of course there was no way to afford a nice trip to the sunny south or anywhere - I will just have to make myself some nice time here in my hometown. But hey - at least I can sleep long the next two weeks and don't have to worry much about anything.

Luckily there are some parties going on here in town. Tonight's already the first one I will go to. A friend of mine had tickets for it but cannot attend, so he left that ticket to me before they would expire for nothing. It is meant to be a large leather/rubber/sm party. I heard the location is great and the people as well, and as I have never been to that specific party before I look forward to it.

After dinner and some relaxed TV I get up to prepare for the party - shower/shave and then the decision what to wear... Should I just do as usual and wear army/boots, or should I, for this party, get my leathers out, or even the rubber? I try this and that out of the wardrobe but then fall back to the army - it is just the most comfy to wear and I feel well in it.

I have quite a collection on combats and decide for the Czechian one - I think it is one of the best looking ones from my collection. Having a kind of fetish for complete uniforms I take out all parts of it, beginning with the army-underwear - briefs and t-shirt, putting on the trousers, of course the matching belt goes with it. On top the jacket shirt with an additional belt around and also the matching army boots. Last the beret and I am complete. I look in the mirror and all fits well as it has to be.

I grab together my wallet, house keys and a pair of handcuffs. I have that habit for years now, never going out to bars or clubs without them. You never know if you might use them, though in the past I have barely had any use out there... Mostly they just are hanging on my belt, signing my interest for my main fetish - bondage. So I'm ready to go, it'll take about 40 minutes to go there.

When I arrive, there's already a queue at the entrance. I join in and within 10 minutes I am inside. Many people there, some known faces, but also many new faces. Probably lots of tourists coming here for the parties only. I get to the bar and order a beer, looking out for a nice place somewhere with a good overview, then standing there and start watching who's around. All kind of guys, singles and couples, Masters with slaves - or at least looking like tops with company that wear collars or other signs of being bottom.

I also meet some friends having a few chats here and there, of course the scene is quite small and at such events you meet all of them at once usually. The party was going quite well when at some time a Master/slave couple shows up at the bar to which I have a quite good view. The top looks like an old guard leather man, all leathers, shirt, pants, jacket, tall boots and even a muircap. Not that I fancy them very much, but on this guy it actually looks well. There are not many leather guys that actually can wear that sort outfit. On many of them it looks ridiculous, but with this guy it seems just right. He is probably in his later 30s or early 40s from what I guess. But what fascinates me immediately is the slave at the end of the leash.

All black leather - heavy boots it seems, leg irons connecting them, pants with lots of leather straps and d-rings, tied in a leather straitjacket also with many d-rings all over. A hood also with straps and rings on all sides and also gagged as far as I can see. Also I cannot make out eyeholes, either they are covered or too small to detect from that distance, but the looks of the slave there behind his Master is great. I even feel my dick growing from the sight. And as if things cannot get any better, after having got his beer the Master with his boy on the leash turns towards my corner and comes closer, taking the spot right next to me and starting to look around the area. Maybe He's looking for someone or He's also just checking out who's around, what's going on so far. I see a short pull on the leash from the Master and the slave goes down on his knees at the spot he was just standing.

I cannot help and have to make my comment to this and talk out towards that Top: "Very horny outfit, must be a lucky boy inside there." He turns towards me and replies: "Well, he doesn't have much of a choice I'd say." He has a wide grin on his face. "He's been in there already quite some time and sure getting hot by now. But hey... he has no say in it and I enjoy it..." I nod towards him and add. "Yep - that's how it has to be". He also compliments me on my army outfit. Mostly people use partial outfit, mixing things together, but He liked the fact of it being complete and authentic.

We keep talking on about the outfits, about the party, people we knew in common (surprisingly there are always people you know in common; even when you meet a stranger). All during the time the slave stayed put on his knees where he was, not daring to move much. Of course I have to get on again about the slaves looks - it just fascinates me a lot. "Can I have a closer look?" I ask him. "Of course" he replies and with that, he pulls again on the leash and the boy immediately gets up standing.

I get closer to him to see more details and find out that it seems that this slave wears some sort of one-piece suit. The hood seems attached to the straitjacket though the part around the neck looks thick and enforced, forming some sort of posture collar, but also the jacket and pants are all one and so are the boots. There is nothing to see about those parts being separate. All over the suit are many straps with d-rings, including the hood, so with enough rope you can make sure not a single bit of the body will be free and moving anymore. "Wow," comes out of my mouth. "That is one hell of a piece he's wearing!" I add. With a smile the Top replies: "Yes, that is a special made suit, I got two similar ones. One with a straitjacket like top as you see here and another one with mitts only added instead of all the straps for the arms. Kinds of regular wear for most times, and the jacket-one here for special occasions. You have to enter through the back here just under the shoulders, now zipped, buckled up and as you see padlocked here. A friend of mine is a leather tailor and did those two pieces for me. Not cheap, but then again, I tend to have them in use a lot, so they are definitely worth it. And these padlocks here on the back are not really necessary. There's no way this boy gets out here without help. Still I like to know it's well locked with only me having the matching keys." Feeling my hard-on again I have to reply. "Oh yes, I am sure I would enjoy being inside there as well, too bad that space is occupied already" I add smiling to him.

He looks at me, probably thinking about something before asking me. "You seem to have somewhat the same size as the boy here, do you really think you would enjoy taking his place?" I am rather surprised by that question. I would have never thought of being asked just that, though of course the thought of it gets me even harder as I am already. "Well, I sure would like to give it a shot. Just the look of it gives me a hard-on. The feel of it must be even better." He looks at me again and pauses before replying. "Well here's the offer ... you and the boy here switch clothes, all of them - and I mean all of them, and you take this boys place then for the time being. But I have to tell you that this leather suit you see is not all he's wearing - but either you take it all or nothing."

Again surprised and trying to quickly think what I should do now I ask. "More? What else do you mean with more?" Less for really needing to know, but more to gain a bit time to make up my answer to that offer. "It doesn't matter right now, it is all or nothing. But I can assure you it isn't anything you couldn't do or wear, but it's more than just the leather you see. The boy here will sure enjoy being out of the suit and around here in your army fatigues; and you said already you'll like being inside that suit here." With that he looks at me with an expecting impression on his face - expecting either a yes or no.... I feel I cannot say no anyway now anymore, not after how much I expressed my liking of the suit and my wanting to be inside ... so I agree to him, that boy inside the suit gets to wear all my outfit and I will put on all he's currently wearing and take his place for the time being.

"Let's find a place more quiet then for change" the Top says and walks towards another door, which seems to lead to a sort of play area in the building. I haven't been there yet, so don't know, but just follow him. Some stairs lead downwards into a darker area. I see all sorts of dungeon equipment around, crosses, bars, poles, even a cage, slings of course and quite a lot of guys playing around here already. He walks towards another door. Inside is a bit lighter and I see some sort of cabins, obviously for people who want some action away from the eyes of all lurkers. One of those cabins seems open; the top walks straight towards it and gets inside.

Those cabins are not even that small. There is enough space for the three of us and the first I hear after the door is shut: "Now strip completely while I release the boy here" - that said he turns to the boy and I see him starting to unlock the padlocks. I unlace the boots and start undressing myself. Rather fast I am standing in my army briefs only. The slave was unbuckled in-between too. The hood was hanging off the front side, the arms out of the straitjacket, and the rest of the suit hanging half down his knees. But still the slave was all black. I see now that he wears all rubber underneath, even the head/hands are still black covered, just now only in rubber. The top can see my surprise and says: "Told you there's more than just that leather suit, and you will wear it all as well, just like this boy here did until now. Now get off your briefs too, I said all or nothing, and then help here with the boy." I take off the briefs too and put them with the rest of my clothes and then help the top to get that boy out of the leather suit by pulling the booted ends of it off the boys’ feet. I feel that the suit is rather heavy, it is quite thick leather, well made, and my hard dick shows that he likes that fact too. 
Another padlock on the back of the rubber suit was undone and the zip opened all down to the ass of the boy and then the hood came off and we pulled the rubber down off his body. The boy was sweaty, hot red face and he said 'thank you` towards me - well, it wasn't me releasing him but his Master, so I just smile at him and thought that I'm going to be in that stuff pretty soon and even though it looks tough it will be more than horny in there, especially now that it is fresh off another body, still warm...

Having pulled down the rubber suit I now see that there's even more. A steel chastity belt on the boy, I know the model though I could not right now name it. But it looks pretty secure and no way to get excited inside.... "Yes, that also is part of the whole, and as we agreed, you'll have it all." the top says to me again with a wide grin on his face. Having the rubber suit all off the boy, the lock of the belt is opened and the belt also taken off. The boy has to bend forward and surprise surprise, a plug was kept shut by that belt too - which the top now takes out of his butt. A condom covers it; which he takes off now and replaces with a new one he pulls out of one of his pockets. "Want to keep it safe of course, but it's going to be up your butt too." Luckily it is not too big a one, as I am not really used to having any big stuff up my ass, but looking at it I am sure I can deal with it for a while, and if it is part of the whole, I will just have to take it, else I won't get the pleasure of trying it all on.

From another pocket the top now gets out a bottle of some lubricant, telling me and the boy to lube my body all over with it, else I would have trouble getting in the sweaty rubber suit. It's lubed up rather quickly and then I am told to bend forward, immediately feeling him trying to get the plug up my ass. I try relaxing as well as I can and slowly but sure it gets in until I feel my hole closing around the tight end of it. It isn't that bad, as I thought just a good size for someone like me who isn't used to so much up there.

Then he takes the chastity belt and puts it around my waist, but trying to get my hard dick in that metal tube is rather unlikely. Without warning I get some hard slaps on it, I scream out surprised, just to get my mouth covered by the Masters hand while he keeps slapping my dick. The sudden pain gets me soft rather quick. I was never into pain at all, so my hornyness is gone immediately when it comes to it usually. With my dick smaller now it was still not easy, but possible now to have it inserted into the tube. Well lubed it slipped in and the belt can be shut and locked in place. It feels strange, but again horny, just that now as I again would want to get hard it suddenly hurts of course ... no way to get hard just like that now. I try to concentrate on something different, anything but horny please.... It takes a while before I can stand still and I see the top just standing there grinning at me. "That's the purpose of it, and you're gonna enjoy it for a while - just as I said, it is all part of the whole, no suit without it.... You still want to get on or rather want to stop here and get out of that belt?" Of course I cannot leave such chance behind to try on such a fab suit, so I just shake my head "Nope, I started it, I go through with it, it's alright, I’ll get used to it soon? I replied.

Now he orders the other boy to grab the rubber suit and together they help me inside it, the feet into the legs, all pulled up to my thighs, they make sure there are no wrinkles in the rubber, pull it up further to my chest and help my arms down the sleeves. Just now I detect that instead of gloves, it ends in some kind of mitts. So even now my hands are more or less useless inside the rubber. I like that a lot and smile. "Still smiling, that's good" I hear the top saying. He then pulls up the suit over the shoulders, and then the attached hood over my head. It has a mouth hole, nose holes and pinned eyes, so my sight is rather limited immediately now. The zip of the suit now gets shut all up to the neck and from the top of the hood down to the neck as well - the clicking I hear tells me that I am now also padlocked into this suit just like the boy before me was.

I feel the sweat already inside, but it might even be the leftover sweat from the other boy, but I feel excited - and right away in pain, when my dick wants more than the allowed space inside the chastity belt. That will be probably difficult for quite a while, being so excited about the suit I get in and still not able to get hard without pain.... But I still think it is more than worth it for trying this suit.

The other boy now takes that heavy one-piece leather and puts it in order in front of my feet, I can now with the help of the top get my first foot into the entrance of the suit, down to the legs and into the attached boots - they fit rather well, maybe half a size bigger than I usually have myself, but that won't be any trouble; they cannot slip off my feet anyway. The second foot downs the other leg in the other boot and they pull the suit all up to the chest so that I then can put my arms inside and also down the sleeves of the straitjacket. Having the arms down there the suit can be pulled over the shoulders, the hood still dangling in front of me, but immediately being pulled over my rubbered head also. Now I realize why I hadn't seen eyeholes at the first moment when I saw them, as there were some sort of plastic or glasses in the eyeholes, darkened, so that in a darker area like this here all seems immediately black to me. It will take some time to get adjusted to it so that my eyes can recognize again something, even though it is rather blurry and mainly shadowlike instead of the, compared to now, rather clear pictures I had with the pinned eyes in the rubber hood only. A zip from the top of the hood again down to the neck is closed. Shutting that enforced collar part off too, forcing my head in position automatically.

Only limited movement allowed by it now, and then the top starts buckling up the backside of the suit/jacket - with each buckle shut, the suit gets tighter around my body enclosing me nicely in the leathers. I think I hear some more clicks of padlocks, so I assume he locks the buckles just as they were before with his boy. Bind done on the back he now crosses my arms in front of me, pulling them through leather sleeves on the side of the jacket, ensuring I cannot pull the arms up and buckles the ends of the jacket sleeves again on the back tight and at the end padlocks those as well. A leather strap on the chest is pulled over both arms and buckled/padlocked shut. No way to get the arms anywhere now.

I hear some chains and feel immediately something around my ankles, so I assume those leg irons are locked on me as well now. He really takes it by the word, all or nothing he said, and so far it is all, except two things left, but one coming right away. I fell the gag being pushed on my mouth, so I open, as if there was much of a choice anyway, and the rather flat, but wide gag gets pushed in my mouth. It fills it quite completely and when being buckled and locked shut on the back there is not much coming out of my mouth anymore but some grunting. Speak or shout - there's no way anymore. Finally the last part, the leash is being hooked into the ring in front of the collared neck.

So there I am then, inside this fabulous suit just as I wanted, being semi hard all the time, painful with the steel chastity, getting hot and sweaty inside the two suits, helplessly restrained and chained at the end of the leash of someone I just met 1 hour ago - and it feels great ... I love it and enjoy it, this evening will be a nice one inside this outfit - too bad it's just a little while, but I will enjoy every minute of it to the utmost....

The top orders the other boy now to get dressed in the other clothes there, pointing to my army outfit I had been wearing just until now. The boy quickly puts on all of the clothes, just as complete as I had to put on his outfit here. The boots laced up, the beret on the head he was looking just like me then. The top opens the cabin door now and drags me out on the leash, which is attached to his belt, so I will have to go wherever he goes. Having limited sight it won't be easy, but I am still confident this will be a great evening inside this suit.

Standing in the middle of that room with many others crowded around, being sort of an attraction - I can understand, just as I was fascinated immediately when seeing that other boy in this outfit - I think if they knew that we just swapped, just an hour ago it was the other one lucky inside here, and now I am the lucky one to spend the party inside this suit.

"Now be a good boy and thank this new slave here for your release" I hear the top saying. "Thank you very much for releasing me of that prison." he said with a relief on his face, adding then "I hope you will find a replacement quicker than I did" 
Having said that he turned around and walked off into the crowd. I am a bit confused now. What would he mean by that ... but the top then immediately adds. "Well, all or nothing was the deal. you took it all and that includes even that now. This other boy was just like you curious to try out this suit and he made the same deal as you did. When I said 'all' it included not just the wearing of the suit, but also its faith - the person inside is my property for as long as another slave does not release him. I hope you don't have any plans for the weekend, as I don't think I will ask any other boy to replace you so quickly. Maybe at the end of the weekend I will have a look if there is someone willing to try out this suit too, if not, you'll simply have to deal with being slave and property until someone does... And just for your information, the boy that just left was in this suit for 5 days. His former outfit was given to the slave before him, just like your outfit now is his. He won't be coming back to release you. He's free now and probably either on his way home or on his way to enjoy the party by himself. You probably didn't notice, but the two suits have a zip through the crotch/ and back so that you can use a toilet without troubles. No need to get out here so soon."

I wanted to protest immediately, but the gag prevented it by allowing nothing else but some grunting to come out of my mouth. 
"Save your energy, boy, you won't get out of that suit alone. No one will help you out as everybody thinks you are the slave I came in here with, and I have no intentions to release you that soon. Take it like a man - as you said at the beginning of our talk ... “that's how it has to be” and you'll have to accept it now." With that he turned and walked towards the door out to the main room where we came from, and with the leash I was attached to, I had no choice but to follow unless I wanted to fall straight forward on the ground.

With no arms to protect my fall that would not have been a wise move. I tried thinking what to do, how to get him to release me, how to get anyone to help me, but he was right, no one knows that there is another man inside here now than there was when he arrived here. To all the guys here I am his slave, and as such no one will interfere with what a Master does with his slave.

This being the first day of my two week holiday, it would not be a problem if I would be kept tied for a few days, at the end I always liked the idea of being kept prisoner, slave, tied, chained, and always fantasized about such scenario like this, but never ever thinking it might happen at all though. He mentioned that he’d look around at the end of the weekend for some volunteer... Well, that will make it a weekend in suit and restraints. That isn't so bad at all for someone who loves being suited and tied like this, just as I do.

So I thought I'll have to go along with it as good as it goes. That I will make it an enjoyable weekend for me then and hoping that towards the end of it there will be another one as horny as me asking for it... But I sure understand now why the previous boy thanked me for his release and was relieved about it. I am almost sure I will be just as relieved as he was when the next boy falls for this suit and will be my replacement... I wonder though what will replace my clothes... I will want them back of course, I doubt I will get something as good as them from a next volunteer to wear this, but that I will have to see when I am out of this suit. Until then I have neither the possibility nor the choice to go after it.

The sweat was running quite a lot already down the rubber suit, if I think about the other boy being inside here 5 days, wow. I hope it won't be that heavy to me... The top went back to the spot where we first met, and when I felt a pull on the leash, I knew he expected me to go down just like the previous boy. Being trapped and helpless I had no choice, to obey will sure make it easier for me too. So I went down and stayed there just as it is expected from a slave boy. The master has several other conversation, many about common scene, other people he and his chat partners knew. Also, of course, with people admiring his obedient slave and his slaves’ outfit. But none of them asking about trying the suit as I did... I can just hope there will be someone during the weekend. Or what if there is nobody asking for it ... I am curious what this will bring ... how it will end, but right now - there are no choices to make for me.

During the evening the Master walked around the rooms several times, me on the leash usually. In darker rooms I am blind as a bat through these darkened lenses in the hood. So I just follow the pull of the leash as good as the leg irons allowed. 
In brighter rooms I could at least recognize shadows, but so far I could not see most of the party. I was enclosed in my own party here inside the suit. Some of the times I was left standing or kneeling in corners or the leash attached to a pole while he walked around alone; again, not much to do for me but to stay put.

It must have been already towards the end of the party. At least it felt very late, so I wondered how he would do anyway when we had to leave the party. Being a one-piece prison he could not just take off the hood and jacket and walk me home or wherever he would go. I soon will find out ... He comes back and picks up the leash now and attaches it to his belt again, walking towards the way out of the party, so I realize it must be close to the end now.

The building being in an industrial area will sure pose no problem immediately outside of the building, but he will not be able to take me like this in a cab or other public ways. Also he's not a local, so I doubt we are going to his private place, he must be in a hotel probably. I just follow him on the leash. He's careful though when it comes to steps or stairs. Knowing the leg irons do not allow me free walking. It is still dark outside, so knowing dawn will be around 6 a.m. today it must be still before that. 
But being still dark, I cannot see very much through the darkened lenses, so have to walk careful and not too fast. We walk for quite some time, must have been almost 10 minutes, but I do not know the area here. Just can recognize we are not really coming to any brighter public streets, so I assume we are walking still in that industrial area.

At last we enter a building again, I wonder what it is. There are no hotels or living houses here. We walk somewhere downstairs. He leads me carefully down the stairs and after some more walking we come to a room where he suddenly turns on some sort of light. Having adjusted slowly to the bit of brightness now I see some candles burning. As far as I can see it must be an abandoned factory or warehouse, some metal bars, scaffolding like, some old broken shelves, lots of junk lying around. I guess it was some storage room previously.

"I found this old warehouse a few days ago when strolling around. I was actually looking for a place for the previous slave, but now that you have taken his place it will be yours to enjoy. He said to me. "The basement here must have been used for storage. Where the upper parts look like a factory, no idea what they used to produce and store here earlier, but right now it will be my slave storage." He must have known I must have some questioning expression under my hood as he added. "Yes, you heard right, storage for my slave. I won't let you out of your suit so quick as I told you. Then again I cannot take you like that to my friends place where I’m staying during my visit. I have to use a cab to get there and I doubt I can take you like that in the cab. I will pick up my property when I get my friends driving their car here. Until then I need a safe storage for you.

He takes a leather bag now and opens it. He must have had it at the coat check and got it back when we left. He takes out a long and a short chain and a whole bunch of padlocks and puts them on the ground in the corner. Then he leads me towards a corner where I can make out some quite thick metal poles along the wall from the ceiling to the floor. He uses one chain to get around a pole. Using a heavy padlock to secure it there and then attaches the other end around my neck, again securing it with a heavy padlock. Then he forces me down to sit on the ground and pulls the chain of the leg irons up towards my head, using another padlock to attach a shorter chain to it and with yet another lock attaching the other end to the chain around my neck. I won't be able to stretch out my legs now. Standing up is no option any more. Then again, the chain attached to the pole will prevent me from going very far here. Now he takes the bunch of remaining padlocks and starts locking the d-rings on my legs together. Each ring on one leg with the matching one or the other leg, securing my legs together with that, making sure the chains of the leg irons and the connecting one to the neck chain are included in the padlocking, so that all in all it makes a nice padlocked package of me sitting there in the corner. 

Once finished with all padlocks he stuffs all the keys away in his pocket and says. "I am sure you won't be going anywhere until I pick you up. I have made sure this is a safe storage, as two metal heavy doors secure the entrance down here as well. Both can be padlocked, which I will do when leaving, so no one will come down here and take my property away. So you just make yourself home here, boy. When my friends are free to drive with me here with their car I am coming back to pick you up again." He then turns towards the candles, blows them out and walks out; at the doorframe he turns back and says. "In case I forgot to mention - I won't be back before night, as only then my friends are available with the car, so enjoy yourself until then."

That was the last I heard and he disappeared in the dark. He said evening, man what have I gotten into here. Alone, secured tight, tied into heavy suits, sweating, able to move just a little. It will be difficult to find a position to stay and even more difficult to sleep, but still gagged, locked down here, as he said even two metal doors in between me and the outside locked. There is nothing I can do but sit or try to lay here and wait for his return.

It was not really how I planned this evening, but then again, so far it was still enjoyable. Imprisoned in these suits, even the plug and chastity I found horny by now well locked down. Isn't it heaven for a bondage freak like I am?

It must be dawn by now, and I am definitely too tired and exhausted. So after a while I fall asleep here in this position I have been left for the day. Stored... yes, just as he said ... a slave stored in a storage room until he is needed or wanted again. That is just how I so often fantasized about it. At least for the weekend I seem to have found it.

At some point I wake up, having had a bad sleep though, often waking up being uncomfortable in the position I am, but I feel at least a bit refreshed. I must have slept at least a few hours all together. I wonder what time it is now. This room doesn’t seem to have any windows, or it is night already, because all around me is darkness. With the dark lenses of the hood it was hard to make out any differences. But my mouth, chained, neck, actually the whole body hurts by now, so I guess I have been here for quite a long time now. Hopefully he'll be back soon and get me upright again to be able to at least stretch parts of my body.

After what seems like another few hours alone in the dark down here I hear some clanking and other noises, it seems someone opened one of the metal doors and is coming down here. He said he’d lock them so I think it can only be him. Finally I'll get up from here again. I see a bright light held into my face. He brought a flashlight with him this time. But then I hear someone else talking. "Nice one, just where he told us, and he did well here, this boy sure isn't going anywhere alone." Who was it? From what they say they seem to know the Master who left me here, but then they talk about him in third person, so he's obviously not here himself. I can just hope that these are the friends he talked about. Yet they must have had the keys and knew where to look for me, so it has to be them...

With the flashlights still pointed in my face I cannot make out anything, so do not see who it is, how many there are, or what they are doing, but then I hear some rattling at the chain that attach me to the pole in the corner. They start undoing the chains. Even with the chain off the pole I can still not do much, still being padlocked to a nice package with all the other locks and chain. Instead of feeling them unlock any more, they just lift my whole body up tied as is and carry me away - shit... I was hoping to stretch at least a bit now.

They must be either more than just two or they are quite strong, as they lift me rather easily and carry me now around like almost nothing. We head up the stairs, so obviously out of the warehouse now - after short time we're outside, and I recognize streetlamps, so it is dark already again. I have been down there in storage all day until night - I wonder how late it is by now. I am put down on the ground now behind the back of a car. They open the trunk and lift me inside. 
Immediately the lid gets shut and I am in the dark again. Right away I hear the doors of the car shut and the engine started. We drive for what must have been about 30 minutes at least. Me still well packed falling around in the trunk at each curve, as they do not really take those carefully.

Arrived at their destination, the lid was open again and I am lifted out of the trunk. It is brighter out here so I can recognize that we were somewhere in the backyard of a large house. No neighbor houses though, so it must be out of the city somewhere, probably their home I guess.

I am again carried away into what looks like a former garage or a shed they have in the backyard. Inside i am dumped on the floor and left again as they walk out and shut the door. This time not chained to a pole, but still, well locked, there is nowhere to go for me. Luckily shortly after the door opens again and light is turned on. The master is back finally. He walks up to me and with a large grin on his face saying.

"How's my slave doing? It took a bit longer than I thought to get you picked up, but I was sure you would not run away in-between. I am going to unlock you now and feed you. Don't try to resist or escape. You won't have much of a chance out here." He starts unlocking all the padlocks on the legs, unlocks the chain between the leg irons and neck and finally I am able to stretch my legs and back again. What a relief that is. He must have noticed as he now helps me up on my feet, supporting me not to stumble or fall and leads me around the room a bit. "It'll do you good to walk a bit and get the blood circulating again." He's sure right and after a few minutes I recognize my stomach complaining about being hungry. But as he said, he will feed me now...

He leads me to a chair, sits me down there and attaches the chain of the leg irons through the chair legs to the back of the chair. He puts a belt across my thighs around the chair and another belt around my chest and the back of the chair. I won't stand up for sure now. "You can shout as much as you want when I take out the gag. We're far away from any neighbors, no one will care, and if you resist or try anything stupid when I release the arms, you'll regret it for sure." Of course he's right, I am in no position to argue anyway, so I nod towards him and then he unlocks and takes off the gag. Yet again, what a relief it is to my jaws to get that gag out after what must have been ages with it inside. Then he unlocks the straps of the arms and unbuckles them as well, just to immediately point each arm downwards to the sides of the chair and padlocking the ends of it to a ring on each side of the chair. Again a relief for the shoulders and the arms being stretched out hanging on the sides now - he sure knows what he does.

He unpacks some food and some cans of iso-drinks. "I'll feed you some nutritious food here and some iso-drinks to make sure you get what your body needs. You probably lost quite a bit sweating inside the suits, but you'll not get out of them so soon, so you better take all I give you now here. He sure is right; I cannot get enough to drink at the moment. It feels like I am dried out totally inside, but with every can of iso I feel better, and the food in-between makes me feel almost comfortable again - well, almost ... knowing it's not the end yet.

He opens several more cans of the drinks and puts them in front of me, each of them with a straw so that I can reach and drink myself from them. "We are preparing the party here tonight, so I'll leave you here for a while. Use the time to relax and drink more, before you get packed up again. With that he leaves the room, this time the lights stay on so I can sit there on my own, try to relax and sort my body, not forgetting to keep drinking, who knows when I’ll get the next drink?

After what seems like an hour he comes back. "I'll undo you from the chair now, but remember, resistance is futile and you will deeply regret any sort of disobedience, so better don't think about it - you are just what you wanted to be, a slave." He undoes all ties and helps me off the chair, leading me out of the shed and we walk towards the house.

"If you need to use the toilet for other than piss, say it now, as you won't get a chance during the evening." he said. I still have the plug up my ass and really feel the urge to go, so I nod, even though not being gagged I don't dare to speak, as a slave shouldn't do and I don't want to upset him. He warned me about disobedience, and yes, I think a good slave shouldn't speak. He leads me to a bathroom, unzips the two suits between my legs, pulls out the plug and sits me down on the toilet. You have 5 minutes, boy.

With the plug out I definitely had to do my business rather quickly, so when he comes back I am done. He gets me up standing, surprisingly wipes the ass a bit but then bends me over right away and reinserts a plug again, this time I feel more problems getting it in. Even though it is again well greased, but when it finally slipped all in I feel it being larger than the previous one.

The zips are closed immediately so I am encased fully again. Out in the hallway again he leads me to a sideboard where I can make out some harness like strapping. He takes it and holds it up to set it straight. I can recognize some sort of suspension harness. Wide leather straps and padded straps at the legs. He pulls it over my head and tells me to get my still loose arms of the jacket through the loops of the shoulder straps. Being in place on the chest he starts buckling it tight around the upper body. Finishing off at the legs by buckling up the padded parts around and between my legs, making sure nothing twitches there. Now once again my arms are crossed in front of me, buckled up at the back and all locked again. The straitjacket performs its purpose again; only this time I wear a suspension harness added to the entire outfit. As a little surprise he now adds some pads the lenses of the hood so that I am in total darkness again. I feel a gag being pushed into my mouth again. It seems to be the same gag as before, just I notice that I can breathe now through it, so it must have a breathing tube or hole inside. I feel the leash attached to the collar again and I am dragged onwards; yet again no other choice but to follow where the leash leads me.

We walk around some corners into some room where I now hear many voices, obviously the party has begun already and we join them. I hear some talking admiring the master with his slave, some touching of the suit and me, talking about how fab this suit is and how well a slave is kept inside. For a while I am just pulled around; when the master walks, standing or kneeling when pulled downwards, trying to follow his chats, but not getting too much of it. At some point I feel some hands fiddling on my shoulders, others seem to work on the ankles. I hear the master say. "The guys like what they see, now I think it's time to decorate the room." Having said that I feel pulling on the shoulders and my body is lifted upwards in the suspension harness. Not much I can do so I try concentrating to figure out how high I am lifted. It seems not too far, but then again in the dark of the hood it is rather impossible to judge.

What seems to me about 1 meter lifted I feel no my legs spreading. They must have attached them somewhere on the ground so that while lifting me they are stretched towards the attachment points. When there was almost no more stretching possible the lifting stopped. I can hardly move now, but then feel movement all around the legs and upper body, even at the hood. I guess they are on chairs or ladders and fix all parts of the body now somewhere. The legs are tied through all d-rings on the suit outwards; the rings between the legs are tied stretched too. The upper body is roped fixed, even the hood is now fixed with ropes to all sides. There is no movement possible on the entire body by now, and I must be hanging somewhere in the room.

Once totally fixed all movement around me seems to stop and it seems all others are doing business as usually on the party, enjoying themselves while I am just left here as 'decoration' as the master mentioned before. I hear people chatting, I hear other noises of actions, and obviously some other bottoms or slaves are worked on. I cannot do anything but listening to the little noise I can hear. I would have loved watching, but the master decided to keep me blinded while hanging here.

After hanging there for at least a few hours the noises began to subside. The party seems to be ending. Hoping for release I thought when the last guest is gone the master will come back to me... but it seems I was wrong. It was quiet around me; at least I did not hear anything anymore. Will they just leave me here?

It must have been another few hours when I suddenly hear the master again. "You've done well so far boy, I am proud to own this slave. You deserve to have some more comfy rest for that, so I'll let you off here and get you down for the night. I feel all ropes being undone and finally feel being let down to the ground again. I stumble a bit, but he supports me and leads me away.

We don't walk very far before he undoes the arm straps so I get the arms free to stretch again. "I'll feed you some iso-drinks again through the gag tube, so swallow carefully boy." Being prepared for the fluids coming down the gag I manage to drink quite a lot, and I sure need it. It feels like I have collected liters of sweat inside the rubber.... All the sweating probably prevented me from needing to piss, but I would sure not have another choice but fill the rubber with it, so I didn't really mind not feeling that need.

I think I had some 3 or 4 cans of iso and some water in-between when he pulls me away again somewhere across the room - maybe out of the room. I cannot tell still being blind.

We stop and he turns me towards him, pushing me backwards telling me to sit and then lie down. I must be on some sort of bed or bench now. Now I feel again rope being pulled through all d-rings of the suit and harness. With every piece of rope being added I feel my body more and more immobile. The legs held together, the arms held at the sides of my body, the whole body held down on that bed or bench, again even the head movement restrained to just a little possible. At least I lie down now, so it is still comfy even though hot and sweaty and able to move rather little.

"See you tomorrow then, boy. You've done so well, I might have a surprise for you. Don't run away while I sleep, night then, boy." and silence again, so he left the room and I was alone. Even not having done anything at all, still I am so exhausted that I fall asleep pretty quickly. Still I was thinking about what surprise he mentioned. Did he mean maybe he found another volunteer so I get released finally? As the end the weekend turns toward the end.... I'll have to see tomorrow, I have no choice anyway...

I wake up by the movement around and on my body, it seems the ropes are all taken off, as I sense being able to move more and more. I do move only a little, not to make the impression I would resist or run away, just trying to get the circulation going again. I hear the master telling me that he'll feed me again. I am hungry so appreciate these words. The gag is being taken out and I am lead away until sat down and the master (or someone else) starts feeding me again nutritious food and drinks with water in-between. My body aches all over a bit so I hope to be released from the suit soon. Having thought that, my arms get crossed in front of me, and all buckled up again into the straightjacket. Once again I am there where I was at the beginning.

I am pulled away again somewhere and after some walking I think we are outside the house as now I feel the ground being hard and different. I think I hear again the lid of a trunk being opened and I am right as I am being pushed inside, turned on my stomach, feel my ankles tied together and fixed to the bottom of the harness that I still have on. Hogtied, I lie in the trunk when the lid gets shut again. This time no engine starts right away. I am just left in there alone. It must have been half an hour or so before I feel the car moving, someone stepping in and finally we drive. Of course not knowing where I am curious now.

Another half hour or more we stop again, the lid gets opened, my feet untied and I get pulled out of the trunk. The leash clicks on the collar again and I am dragged onwards. I have no idea where we are; I am still blind since the night before. We walk on and again some stairs downwards. I am afraid we're back to the 'storage'- and I am right - being in the room again I hear the master say. "I have some preparations to make as I leave for home tomorrow, so I'll have to store my boy away again, but don't worry, I still got a nice surprise for you later, boy." He leads me further in the room and orders me to step up on a small box. He helps me get up to it and have a firm stand. Then I feel again some fiddling at the shoulders, chains are attached to the rings there and attached to some tubes at the ceiling. He then tells me to let myself hang in the harness as he's going to remove that box under my feet. I obey having no choice and when he kicks away the box I am hanging in the harness in the air again. Next he secures my legs by padlocking all of the rings of the suit together, then pulls my legs backwards up towards my ass and padlocks them there to more rings as well. Once again hanging all secured and tied somewhere without a chance to move anything. "I'll be back later, don't run away boy." Silence around me again. Will it be again overnight in this position? My body hurts all over by now, I can only hope that he releases me soon. The weekend was hard and long enough for me, more than I wanted, but still I enjoyed the surprise if it happened.

At some point I feel the urge to piss. Hanging there I can just let it run into the rubber, adding to the existing sweat, but I guess I'll be out of it soon hopefully. So I don't bother and enjoy it quite a bit to feel the warm piss running inside the rubber under the suit. I think about 3 hours have passed by now when I hear someone coming again. "Didn't take as long as I thought" I hear the Masters’ voice and am glad it wasn't that long. Hoping for final release now. "As said, I have a surprise for you boy" he continues. "As I told you earlier, I am happy with your behavior and think you're a boy worthy of keeping. Also I told you that I wouldn’t look so intensely for another boy to replace you in this suit. Unfortunately the body needs some more attention and you cannot remain inside those two suits forever, but I also told you I have another leather suit similar to this with mitts instead of a straitjacket, which makes a good daily wear for a slave. Without rubber underneath there is no problem wearing it long-term too.

Having had your wallet made it easy for me to find out who you are, where you live, work, I know people who know you; people who helped me to get further here now. I know you're on a holiday right now, so no one will miss you now when you don't return tonight. Also some people I know will arrange that you quit your job while you're on holiday. I have already booked a train ticket through Europe, Russia down to china, and sooner or later you'll be announced as missing. There won't be any traces to me, the guy you were yesterday or anything related to this here, no one even knows you're inside this suit except the people helping me to arrange your disappearance.”

“I will find one or another boy some time to be inside your current outfit, but you will remain my permanent slave from now on, and you'll live in either this suit or the other suit forever. I always enjoyed having bois switching into this suit, to me each of course looks the same from outside, but I always knew they would be replaced sooner or later, but I also always wanted to have one of these bois permanent living as a bondage slave in one of these suits. That was the idea behind having those two made. You fit just perfectly in it - and I saw you enjoyed this weekend even though I am sure you would not have thought of spending it like this. I live in a northern country, so you won't have trouble living in this suit permanently. It will keep you warm there.

I have arranged a transport of my property to my home. Any moment the box should be delivered here to pack you for your transport. So I'll take you off the hook here now to give you some more time to stretch yourself before you're being packed - but I warn you - still you should not even think about escaping - I can be a kind owner, but if necessary I can be a cruel punisher too. I like and love my properties, but can get furious when you disobey and remember, you're in no position to choose anyway anymore."

He unties my legs now and gets the box under my feet again so I can stand firm but leaves the chains hooked up to the ceiling. He unlocks and unbuckled my arms and I can again move rather freely, except I have to stay on that box as I still am fixed to the ceiling.

"I think I hear the van already, so got to get you packed up for your transport boy" he says, and I also hear some doors of a car or van slamming and then some voices coming downstairs. With them they have a box in the size of a body. The inside thickly padded, enough holes to make airflow for breathing on the sides of the box too. I am taken off the chains from the ceiling and lead down off the box I was standing on. Then I am pushed downwards ordered to lie down inside the box. Knowing there's several people around I know I have no choice but to obey and do as I'm told.

Once inside the box plenty rope is used through all the rings of the suit and I am well secured inside the box. Before the lid gets shut he tells me. "It's a rented van, no public transport, so you can shout if you want, they won't care. So now relax and look forward to your future life. Once the lid is shut you'll be on the road for at least 15 hours. I'll be home already when you are delivered and have your new suit ready to be locked on you then. Have a good trip in-between, boy." 
With that the lid is put on top of the box and I hear some clanking of padlocks securing the lid on top, making sure the goods are not damaged during the transport and delivery. I feel the box being lifted and carried away. It is then put inside the van, I hear the door shut, the engine starts and I am on my way to somewhere unknown.

Would I have asked to try this suit if I had known this? I doubt that I would have had the courage, but now that decision has been taken away from me and I have no other choice but to accept what is going to be my future...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Reconnecting and looking forward to IA Leather Weekend!

So through my little escapades at the Mr. Midwest Rubber contest, I earned some tickets to the Iowa Leather Weekend!

I have been planning to go, but I was still working out the details and trying to figure out when I would make the trip down and if I would find a roomie, get my own hotel room, or maybe even stay with a local friend.

I was trying to reach out to a few people that I thought were going, and eventually got in touch with a new gear friend and former judge from the contest who lives in MN. He recommended asking the Facebook event group, (which I was eventually going to do, but wanted to see if I knew anyone first), and then remembered that a friend of his was looking for a roomie! The friend was also a fellow Wisconsin-ite so I was excited to talk to them.

The funny part was that we had totally met at IML this year! He was at a contest event and we both were rooting for Mr. Wisconsin (T.C. Hammond) and eventually chatted about being from Wisconsin. In fact, he competed against T.C. and said that doing a competition was a great way to help come out of a shell and open up more to the community!

At this point, attending the IML contest, I was pretty jazzed up and considering trying for some title in my future, but being more into rubber, I planned to run for a rubber title. But basically after talking to him, I decided that I would make it happen this year! This really came around full circle that we could talk and end up planning to share a room at the Iowa Leather Weekend!

So that is on the horizon and I can't wait to just have a good time and explore a new event and meet some new people!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Video from the Contest!

I'm going to see how this all works, and maybe I will be able to get this to stay on here...but here is a video of part of my performance for the Mr. Midwest Rubber competition posted by the current MIR, or Mister International Rubber, CosmicRoo. Granted the post was via tumblr, so we are all going to find out how that integration works with this post...

I think I am going to get lazy here and just post the click around here. The link is to CosmicRoo's tumblr page, and if you really wanted, I also re-blogged it on mine here. (In case you wanted to see my tumblr)

Maybe in the future I will return and work my "webskillz" to grab the video and have it display...until then, this is what I have.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

More Mr Midwest Rubber Follow Up!

Really an excuse to post more pictures and thank the various outlets giving me pictures, mainly the Great Lakes Den. I contacted the editor who really hooked me up considering I never really arranged to get any photos at the event. Feel free to read the great article covering the event which includes more pictures...I am going to re-post just a few favorites here... :)

It was a tough competition, and Joe Spaceman beat me out. I can't wait to get my ass down to MIR to cheer him on and hope he takes the International title as well! Check out his Facebook page and support him so he has a travel fund to get to events!

I took part in the raffles the night after to help get him started, but I can only do so much with my pending move out of my apartment and refocus on my finances, especially if I want to make sure I get back down for MIR!

And if anything, I will make my triumphant return to try again either this next year or in a couple...depending on where I am at in life. I would prefer to bring my A-game and be ready to shake up the community to get more rubbery-awareness! :) Hope to finish up my IML part 2 post soon too...sorry for any extended wait!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Moving on (IML 2014 part 1)

I have been absent for such a long time. I don't think I had really been keeping up for a number of reasons, but after collecting myself for a while, I have decided that I need to keep up with this blog as I originally intended for it to serve as both outreach for those from similar vast nothingness as well as a personal (kinky) memoir.

So I promised an update on IML and this is long overdue.

I am going to follow the usual means of my IML updates and make this a multiparter, so sorry for that in advance. :)

So this year was a big deal, it was my first year going it alone. In the previous years I had been going with cuffsman10, even that very first year when I was still sort of with my ex-gf (shocker for those that didn't back-read!) It was a lot of the same in the sense of finding a place to stay (great roommate from last year who had a spot for me, thanks subboy951!), finding a time to get down and park/store my car (oh the weary traveler issues in a metropolitan area;parking!), and then make sure I take what gear/clothes/food/snacks/drinks/etc. I needed for the weekend away as well.

First night I geared up and hit the lobby, chatting with a variety of people after meeting my roommates for the weekend (subboy951, Gaurence, and lthrguyDC86). I ended up talking to a few new people as well as reconnecting with a buddy Jonathon Switch. It was a great night and although I didn't get into any "trouble" like a bunch of people do at IML, I was very happy with how the night passed!

Day two was a matter of reconnecting with Jonathon and some of his buddies, catching brunch, and then kind of doing my own thing. I have seen the city after this many visits, so I focused on taking a gym break and then gearing up to hit the leather mart. I visited the usual hang outs, checked out the various rubber gear, and dropped by my favorite leather shop, Twin Cities Leather (& Latte). I ran into a variety of people and eventually the night progressed again with a few costume changes until I made it to the Chicago Rubbermen meet up where I mingled into out of town friends with an in town friend. It was a great time and I met a very interesting guy, with a sexy accent and everything...(well, I think there were at least 2-3 sexy accents, but this one was a focus for the weekend.)

Eventually, hit the gear-blast party initially in some football gear, hoping to run into a West-coast buddy, who was damn near impossible to find! In the middle of this I decided that football pads, although super hot, are definitely cumbersome in tight spaces when you don't want to bump people or drinks. I retired the pads and  for the evening (much to my West-coast buddies chagrin.) I ended up finding him maybe 50 minutes afterwards, and I apologized for being less geared, and he did for not being find-able. Oh and I also ran into a storm trooper, which was super awesome! (And a coworker asked if people cosplayed at these things!)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Waiting for feedback...and some updates!

I have been busy with work, but I have also been waiting for some feedback for a few IML stories...

for now I will probably just come back to those.

In other news, I competed for the Mr. Midwest Rubber title this past weekend, and unfortunately took 1st runner up. The guy that won, Joe Spaceman, is a great competitor and I wish him the best this year at MIR! I really hope he ends up getting more travel funds for his rubbery journey, and was lucky enough to take part in a raffle the day after the contest to get some goodies including a pass for MIR this year!

Not only that, I have pretty much be pulled into volunteering this year (not that I wasn't already going to!), so I have that to look forward to as well!

And for even trying to compete, or maybe because I did well enough, I also got passes for the Iowa Leather Weekend (which is from October 10-12th in Des Moines) so I now need to plan some hotel stays or find some buddies to have roommates for that as well!

More updates to come!

If you read this far you get to see some shots of me competing in my rubber jock...

Saturday, June 7, 2014


It has been a month or two and I just thought it would be a reasonable time to say that I am now single.

I ended the 4 year long relationship with Cuffsman10. He is a great guy, but I felt I was holding him back as I didn't share the feelings he had for me equally. I was unsatisfied with my life and I wanted to make changes, it is unfortunate that he was as effected by these choices as he is.

The big change was just to life my life as an individual. I feel there are some that might understand what I am getting at, but it isn't easy to convey to those that don't.

I will probably follow up on this post with an IML run-down, as it was an exciting and new experience to head to as an individual.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Listing those Latex Briefs on eBay, check them out before they are gone!

I threw those Mr. S Rubber Racing Briefs up on eBay. I decided to include a Buy It Now! option, so if you are interested and need them, go for it, otherwise I am starting them reasonably at $19.99. If you have the interest, they are size medium and in good shape and hardly worn. If this ends within time there is a chance this could make it to you before IML time...(maybe?)


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Not-So Recent Rubbery Meet-up (Part 2)

So after that we took a bit of a break from play so I could rest and we could eat something. It was great to just sit there and eat in gear and talk. the only thing that wasn't great was how horny I was...(I mean, it was part of the plan, but just because I wanted it doesn't mean I enjoyed it, or vice-versa...can't be so sure!)

We then took a trip to the dungeon area, I was laid out onto a rubber covered bed, and then secured to the four corners of it. I t was a bit cold, so I was not as riled up, and noticing this, my captor encouraged a gear change into something more covering. I ended up getting into my surf suit and then we layered in a catsuit that he had that happened to fit me quite well.

I was secured in this, and then the dom recommended stepping into this what looked to be webbing/belt-work item. I wasn't exactly sure what was going on so he informed me that it was a vertical suspension harness and I was going to be spending some time hanging around.

After the rigging was situated, I was tormented in my vertical rubbery prison and edged for a while. That while seemed like an eternity, but eventually the eternity ended. I was being brought closer and closer to the edge and the dom said, "I want you to shoot all over for me boy" and when he said that I came all over! I shot a decent load out and it spattered onto the ground in front of me. After reveling in the sensations and calming down, I thanked the dom for allowing me to finally cum.

After all of this, I still had the remainder of the night and the next morning ahead of me! We had a little cool down after this and eventually we retired to bed. I was ushered into a rubbery sleep sack where I would spend my night, and then he was of to sleep in the next room. Within earshot in case I ended up cramping or needing something. I slept alright, was a bit horny from the rubber encasement, but otherwise got decent rest. And in the morning we returned back to the cool dungeon, back to the rubber covered bed where I was secured for a bit longer before we had to go about our separate ways.

Overall it was a great time, and I was invited to come out again. I look forward to spending more time with this dom in the future! That's all for this one, so catch you guys later....if I don't get caught up first!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Thinking about selling some rubber gear...

So I bought some medium smoke colored latex briefs from Mr. S last year at IML and I really don't wear them. It turns out they sort of just don't catch my unique anatomy comfortably and I think I am also more of a fan of boxer briefs like with regular clothes.

This picture of item from Mr. S, not me wearing them, sorry to break that to you. An auction would include me modeling the briefs of course!)

I am considering selling them on eBay before IML this year, but I am not sure if anyone would care and of the few people that check this out I would like to take a poll using the already established buttons.

If you take a look at the bottom of this and every post there are rating buttons, which I will be using for this post for the next two weeks or so (random cut-off date).

If I should sell them and you wouldn't consider bidding check "hot"
If I should sell them and you would consider bidding check "give me more"
If you don't care or don't think I should sell them check "not my thing"

Thanks in advance.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Recent Rubbery Meetup (Part 1)

I had finally broken my long streak of not getting to play around with people that I had been talking to for a long time by meeting up with a great dude in Northern Illinois. He was into rubber, hoods, bondage, gags, and a lot of other stuff.

The only issue I had was with gags, as I recently developed a retching hyper sensitive gag reflex, which sucks when you like gags as well, which pretty much stops my from being able to do any in mouth gag without eventually dry heaving and have a fit.

But he was a great dominant to understand that I couldn't be gagged, but still arranged for some great rubber and leather hood time.

I am getting a little ahead of myself, basically we arranged to have a weekend where I would come down for the day, stay the night, and then leave the next day. I got in touch, was on my way and got to his place safe and sound. When inside, we talked for a bit, just to re-certify what we wanted to do and then sort of planning out the rest of the days activities. Of course I got into rubber, my latex catsuit, which is showing its wear by the crotch (for some reason :p..), and then was tied to a chair facing his TV. Once fastened down, I was hooded, which had eye-holes, as well as an overall flap that could cover my hooded face and limit my breathing. The outer flap was opened and he played dirty videos while riling me up by playing with my cock.

This is an important time to note that I was request not to cum days before showing up, so I was horny as hell and I was hard as a rock. He worked out a system where I would need to ask permission, but that wouldn't be until later in the day, so if I got close, I would have to tell him that I was close and he would stop...or I would be punished. I didn't want to risk any punishment or disappointment for the first meet, so that drove me crazy while I was dying to just cum from the cock attention.

Well I was edged for a while, and eventually he worked me over really good and I....still didn't get to cum. I was just dying, and he was all over it, he was experienced with his hands and even got some mouth action in there. We exchanged a bit of oral attention and I was eventually let off of the chair to be taken back to a bedroom. Here I was given the task in aiding him in reaching orgasm, all the while teasing me from not getting mine. It was just unfortunate torture as I really was dying to cum and I was experiencing his pleasure with no way to avail myself of my own.

I will follow up with part 2 shortly!

Friday, February 28, 2014


Also, this past month was my birthday month, so I am now a year older! I made it this far...I can't wait to see what lies ahead for me!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February Fun and update

It is getting late in the month and I am sure a few of you are like, "Is he going to post this month? He said at least once a month!" The response I have to that is yes. I am right now! :)

I waited a while because the beginning of the month was a little hectic, I got a horrible cold, and I was arranging some things...

I ended up having a great meet-up with a long time chat buddy finally this past weekend, and I have a few shots from it, but I will be waiting to post them until I get them processed and some permission to do so (seeing as I don't like to just use photos someone took!)

For now you can all just imagine what the pictures are of, but don't get your hopes up, I didn't get a lot of them and we took some basic shots, nothing fancy. Key words here would be rubber and bondage, as those are growing to be my main interests as I evolve in my fetish/kinky life.

I also made a rash decision to purchase some rubber from a less-than-appreciate Chinese manufacturer, so I will report back when that arrives in the future as well...(hopefully it all works out and I will give them a glowing review/recommendation.)

Until then, you will just have to hang on my words until I get some photos to grab your visual interest.


Okay, I lied I found some pictures back from December when a buddy came to visit.

It was the first time I had a hands-free orgasm with some light electro-play (which isn't usually something I am comfortable with, so "yay!" for pushing limits!)